A committed group of young people who participate in worship. They prepare the sanctuary and assist the celebrant in conducting the service. Members are trained to serve at the altar for Sunday Eucharist and at other services.
Ascension Episcopal Church Women
We are dedicated to service, joined together in fellowship and sustained by prayer. We sponsor the United Thank Offering. All women of the church are in this ministry.
Altar Guild
Guild members are trained to set up the altar for two Sunday Eucharists and for other special church services as needed. We share responsibility for general housekeeping chores in the Sacristy, order supplies, and deliver flowers from the Sunday Altars to sick and/or homebound parishioners.
Ascension Men’s Organization
Ascension Men’s Organization is dedicated to promoting faith development, camaraderie, forming enduring friendships, and service to build a better parish community at Ascension in Mount Vernon.
Bible Study
An opportunity for study, reflection and discussion of Holy Scriptures so as to discern God’s call to us in this age.
Building and Grounds
The Building & Grounds Committee provides for on-going preventative and corrective maintenance of church facilities, buildings, and grounds. The parishioners who volunteer continually provide recommendations and guidance for any kind of maintenance done on the church property. They will continue to investigate, research, and evaluate options to provide quality products and durable and reliable facilities in a fiscally responsible manner.
Finance Committee
Our Finance Committee assists our leadership in its fiduciary responsibilities and oversees all our financial systems, our operational accounts, our capital accounts and our trusts and endowments and reports monthly to the Rector and Vestry.
Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry ministry aims primarily to share and spread the gospel message of service by creating an awareness in our parish community on the realities of hunger.
We partner with Feeding Westchester to distribute food on the last Saturday of the month from 9:00am-11:00am.
We extend fellowship to worshippers in the Parish Hall following the Sunday service by offering welcome, good food and hot and cold beverages. On special occasions a light meal is served, thereby maintaining the age-old Christian tradition of fellowship through hospitality.
Lay Eucharistic Ministry
Trained and licensed laity assist the Rector to administer the sacrament to members of the parish who are homebound, or unable to attend worship service due to illness.
As we try to promote the spirit of collaborative worship, volunteer members of the congregation, or appointees by the Rector, read the lessons at all worship services.
Outreach Committee
The mission of Ascension Outreach Committee is to embrace community services in Mount Vernon dedicated to encouraging and advancing development in all people towards their fullest potential. Also, it is the intent of the committee to assist our church community in sharing God’s grace outward into our wider community, by participating, donating and encouraging people and the organizations addressing their needs. We intend to promote existing initiatives in our church and continue the conversation within our church community on what we can do for our neighbors in the fulfillment of our Christian duty. This Committee organizes and hosts the annual Ascension Community Day.
Scholarship Committee
Scholarships are awarded to graduating High School seniors who are members of the Church of the Ascension as well residents of the Mount Vernon Community.
The Stewardship Committee supports the worship, mission and ministry of the Church by seeking tangible support of the membership’s charitable gifts of every kind. These gifts are a key part of the role each member has in advancing the Kingdom of God on Earth through tithes and offerings; as well as the gifts of their spirit.
Sunday School
Church School provides Christian religious education to young people from kindergarten to high school age. They learn how the principles of the Bible can be applied to their lives and how to share the teachings with others. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays.
Each week our Ushers and Greeters joyfully meet the congregation, new and old, as they arrive to church. They help our guests find seats, direct children to Church School, and answer questions.